What if a prospective client calls you and no one answers? What if your team doesn’t get back to that prospective client until the next day, or even worse, several days later? You can be losing business, and that’s where this automation keeps your missed calls engaged and on the hook.
Someone calls your office, no one answers, your team receives an email and a text letting them know they missed a call, we provide your team with the contact’s phone number and ask them to call them ASAP. Meanwhile, our system sends a text message from your business to the contact telling them that someone will call them back ASAP. Our system will then identify if this is an existing contact in your database, if it is not, the likelihood of it being a prospect increases, so we further engage them.
We send the contact a form to fill out to let us know if they are a prospective owner, tenant, or vendor. If they are a prospective owner, your team gets another nudge and we now drop the prospective owner into a lead nurture campaign where they will receive emails and texts about your business.